Saturday, September 25, 2010

"A House of My Own" and "Saturday at the Canal"

A House of My Own” by Sandra Cisneros

Sandra Cisneros was really a good writer. It was a very short of poem. However, I think "A House of My Own", was talking about the woman who had been abused by a man. She had finally gotten out of her difficult times. I noticed that she had been oppressed by men, now it was time to change herself. She got own of her house that no one can touch her stuffs. So her dream came true? “Not a flat and Not an apartment in back” mean that she used to live in Europe? She got everything what she wanted? This does apply to me because I live independently in District of Columbia for studying my major. I finally got everything what I wanted. But not really everything, but it is almost to get there. Cause I live in the dorm of Gallaudet University. There are several rules that are not allowed in dorm. I like the statement, “Only a house quiet as snow”. Because it shows emotions. I have dreamed like that. I want a big house with a nice pool and to live in the mountain that where people will leave me alone.

Saturday at the Canal” by Gary Soto

"Saturday at the Canal" was toughest to figure out. I wasn't sure whether the character was a woman or a man. But I got a little understandable. I think it was a man. This man was not happy and wanted to get out of here. He was hoping to be happy by seventeen. But it did not happened, he felt loneliness. Maybe he got problems with his parent. Parent might ignored him the rest of life. Wasn't she or he along with parent? Or never had a chance to visit other place? This does apply to me because I always wanted to get out of America, and to travel the world. I want to touch all continents. But I am not feeling loneliness.

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